Friday, April 25, 2008

Bathurst Area 26-28/01/08 MT.PANORAMA !

We found a camp area between Orange and Bathurst (Macquarie Woods {NOT 'Fields'}).

So we pull in and here's some travelling singers (Mel and Pip) doing an impromptu show for a few other campers. Little while later - there we are in the middle of a field, in the middle of nowhere, dancing - unreal.

We had about 2 acres to ourselves aswell.

Witnessing in Bathurst around 130yr old houses. Not too common on the Gold Coast !

Had to Drive the track - 6min 30sec hopeless !!

Int-eee-cute ????

El-cheapo bug-screen - good-ole 'Zip-ties'

Finally - we use the clippers.........

..see the next photos......

uuummmmm.... James did my hair !

I'm so proud of him ! ! !

1 comment:

Carl said...

nice haircut.

what is that emo style?
I think I recall something similar happing to your chest hair once?

At Least you get a hair cut, my apprentice hair dress daughter is always too busy to book me in, and the cheek of it Dad has to book in.