After a great cuppla days next to the lake it was time to "Hit the Road" - ref Glenn Robins.
We headed East over the Mountains heading toward Hobart. Past Derwent Bridge and Lake St Clair.
Some beautiful scenery and great walks.
Obviously photos don't show it - but some of the waterfalls were simply lovely.

Some walk somewhere.
On the night of the 28/02 we camped by ourselves at Brady's Lake. (Between Lake St Clair and Hamilton)
We had -1.2 C that night. Check the dates - IT WAS STILL SUMMER ! ! ! !
Nice spot though.
Roadside lunch on was to Hamilton.

Spent some time here examining Hydro electric stuff.
We had already had a Hydro-electric tour at Kosciusko (At Murray 1)- so we didn't spent long at it here.
Just West of Hamilton- we say some cows lining up for milking. The farmer was very obliging and showed us in and let us watch the first bunch of cows.
People very hospitable and helpful here.