Saturday, November 1, 2008

Old Update #19- Darwin #2 14/06-21/06/08

Air Force Base Visit
The Air Force had their annual Open Day on Sat 14/06/08
I don't think any of us like what these machines do - but they're incredible nonetheless.
See how popular the day is.
This is an "F.S.R.T." - (Flying-Surveillance-Radar Thingo) (I THINK that's what they call them)
Inside the FSRT
I suppose this is why it gets busy - Being able to sit inside an FA 18 fighter.
BUT...... Look at this. Right at the very front of all that EXPENSIVE technology- What expensive piece of equipment do you find as the leading point of the aircraft ?.................. a Philips Head Screw. Is it just me - or does that seem strange ?
Heidi suffered terribly with Sand-fly bites here- this is just one. Doctors visits - delayed departure - the whole bit.
These are some of the kids that our kids go to play with while at Robbie Robin's Reserve.
And all the kids got together and did a play for everyone staying at Robbie Robbins.

Well Done kids.

17/06/08 Territory Wildlife Park. - This was a GREAT DAY OUT.
Just Me & the kids though. Heidi felt like a 'Van tidy up' day.
Great 'Free-flight' Bird Show.
James got to feature in the show.
Some more of the 'Bird'-life.
And...some more

Also - one of those marine-tunnel things.

With a BIG croc
We did soooooooo much walking - the kids were tuckered out. So we decided to wait here for the Shuttle Bus.
Back at Robbie Robbins.
I think he's enjoying himself ????
Now... THAT'S a SPRINKLER ! ! !
and just before we left Darwin - they had a polo-crosse tournament. Good timing.
Time to leave Darwin and head South a few 100 kms before heading towards WEST AUSTRALIA ! ! - The first time for any of us.

Here's our path through 'The Territory'

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