7th-9th MAY 2008
Typical sunset shot.

Filling up - ouch ! This was the most we had paid up till then.

Driving to "The Olga's" - now called "Kata Tjuta" as-per current P.C. (ie Ayers Rock-vs-Uluru stuff).
Part of the "Valley of the Winds" walk at "The Olga's". Far more interesting walk than the walks at the 'Rock' itself.

Not too baaaad for a painter?

Now - let's see if we can climb this sucker...
I don't care who you are - Nothing ever really prepares you for your first view of Ayers Rock. It really is breathtaking.
I was last here with my lovely Mum & Dad (they read this you know) back in 1977 when I was ... errr. 3 ... I mean errr... 11 (Do the math).
I remember being astounded then - certainly no different now. Surprisingly - It doesn't really just creep up you slowly - It's just suddenly........ THERE.
As far as the walks etc at the base of 'The Rock' go - well there's better, more interesting walks to do at other spots (Kings Canyon, Olgas and definitely The Bungle Bungles for instance) - But the sight of this thing is awe-inspiring.
Just 'casually' driving past...
We later saw unleaded for $2.50 at Kalumburu.
Notice the 'Opal Unleaded' - Stops the petrol sniffing bizzo.
More sunset shots of Ayers Rock:
Here's a Sunrise shot - Imagine what it was like in real-life.
?? - How'm I doing with my Photografffyy Deb???
Not too baaaad for a painter?
This is not just for the vans sake - stones have been known (on many occasions) to bounce from the Van and take out the rear window of the car ! !
Now - let's see if we can climb this sucker...
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