After an enlightening and encouraging week-end at Jilkminggan, we headed North again in the direction of Darwin - keep saying that don't I ? Mataranka Springs was a favourite of both Heidi + I from previous visits when we were kids.
Well - still beautiful - but now it had concrete steps, grab rails etc etc.
We 'fluked' a non-busy' time and left once a tour-group showed up (There's so many of them up this way)
Still beautiful water - very relaxing - still just about perfectly body temperature.
KATHERINE GORGE (27+28/05/08)
But this time - not so grand. Maybe because it's quite commercialised now - or perhaps we have been just 'plain-ole' spoilt with what we have seen up to now.
Still good though.
Lookout to only the 1st part of the gorge.
Salt-water crocodile trap at the early part of the gorge. A definite warning !. They don't set these just for "Freshies".
Boat cruise up 3 sections of the gorge.
Swimming hole at end of Gorge 3. The swimming hole was cool enough !- but the waterfall was freezing!!!!!
Me + Emma - IT WAS SO COLD.
"Come on -put 'em up !"
James hand-feeding it. Funny story about this Roo. At about 2am I awoke to the sound of it mucking around outside our van. It sounded ominous - I got up just in time to see it make off with a sheet of James schooling work. How about THAT for an excuse to the teacher??
Check the eye-shadow this "bird's" got on.
Movie-time for the kids. A rare treat - not that we with-hold it. They just seem busy with other things. You can see our Aust Map on the RHS - with the on-going trail of our journey.
Great spot this.
AFTER SO MUCH DUST on the weeks before this - this was so refreshing.
ALSO Months of chilly nights and no warm 'swimmy' type weather - it was a real welcome change.
In the past week we had swam a few times (Katherine Gorge, Jilkminggan) and we were starting to LOVE this part of the NT by this stage. This part of the NT has so much to offer in this type of thing. (So has the Kimberley in WA for that matter)
Start of the walk to Edith Falls (roughly a 1.5 hr return walk)
Only a small part of the swimming area. Emma & I were later jumping off the Left Hand Side. It was sooooo good to be in this part of the country.
Mmmmmmm...... not really too sure why we took this photo.... or why I loaded it onto the blog?????.. Oh's there now !!!
After an enlightening and encouraging week-end at Jilkminggan, we headed North again in the direction of Darwin - keep saying that don't I ?
We 'fluked' a non-busy' time and left once a tour-group showed up (There's so many of them up this way)
This is when we left. "Curse those tour-groups" (We'll probably be on one someday).
KATHERINE GORGE (27+28/05/08)
Again - fond memories of this from years ago.
But this time - not so grand. Maybe because it's quite commercialised now - or perhaps we have been just 'plain-ole' spoilt with what we have seen up to now.
Still good though.
EDITH FALLS (29/05/08)
Great spot this.
Fresh - sweet water. Cascading waterfall.
AFTER SO MUCH DUST on the weeks before this - this was so refreshing.
ALSO Months of chilly nights and no warm 'swimmy' type weather - it was a real welcome change.
In the past week we had swam a few times (Katherine Gorge, Jilkminggan) and we were starting to LOVE this part of the NT by this stage. This part of the NT has so much to offer in this type of thing. (So has the Kimberley in WA for that matter)